tomorrow will follow my father go kampar send thing to my bro.......
ei... this week not start school liao meh????
y i still can go kampar????

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today suppose to start new sem.....
but our timetable for lec is on thu....
so still got 3 more days to boring....

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留妳在夢中卻苦痛了我 等著傷心不如學會承受
反正妳不會是我的 想放棄卻不能甘心放手

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born on the 7th,16th,25th of any month then U r number 7...

Number 7

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tomorrow my bro going to kampar liao.........

what i feel????
dont know le.....

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oh my teeth......

less then 24 hours.... u will leave me....
tonight is the last night......

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20 may is my dental surgery day.....

today is 18 may..... count down for my surgery...........................


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boey n boeymouse


哈哈。。。。。 我是boey。。。。。

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in the morning go school.... to get a approval letter from school.....
omg..... need wait 3 days only can go back to take.....

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