roti felt that the life is bcome harder...
day by day....
assignment 1 by 1.....

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yesterday nite roti also about 12 something only oi oi... then today 7 something wake up..
still ok..
but just got 2 hours class...

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roti had her class today start on 8am... until 5pm.....(german, edp, tnt, fm2)
somemore need wear formal, n make up..
straight 5 hours class...

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finally @24th july 2010 is roti convo...
waited so long.....
study so long only wait for this day, the moment wear the gown

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roti think all is prepare liao.....
just she havent iron her cloth...
just left that...

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today is the day roti go take her convo gown...
when enter the room...

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so happy n awaiting for tomorrow breakfast wif her mi de roti sudden so angry...
family internal problem....

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roti's printer been spoiled for n years.... haiz...
pity roti la... 

finally roti has her new printer.....

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so happy wo this weekend coz roti got work..
next weekend will having her convo n another day also gott work..
but 31st july roti need attend seminar, so maybe on 1st august roti cant work also...

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roti so excited... more excited then her sis.... omg...
this is big news.....
roti is her sis's new 1st person to know...

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