omg... the evil coming put again....
i hate the evil........
kill the evil...

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today morning we leader got meeting wif senior....
then while meeting, we also checking our result....
coz is very nervous yet important thing........

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yesterday go kepong jj watched where got ghost wif family.......

this movie nice lo....
eventhough is funny n bit creapy but have moral value o......

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yoyo.... dedicated to penny, meiny n xiao bai......
hehe^^ tq.............

meet penny at wangsa maju lrt then go klcc..... we go buy ticket 1st....

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yesterday night just reack kl......

play, eat n chat alot when at melaka.....

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at last, my final exam for this sem finished.....
sien ah!!!
this time i got many pressure from myslef....

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now my laptop clock is 2.53pm....
i leid at library more then 4 hours....
wah.... cant believe it.....

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what so excited???

if elaine dint ask me about the pic i think i forget liao lo..........

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haha........ today just left hsk practical.....
deng deng deng deng~~~
take last week exam paper........

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actually not much to write.... but ledi some time dint write so just come n write soemthing...........

today got the 3 8 de class.... sien!!!
but she mad then us coz no 1 want peduli her liao.....

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