what have i done in this few days??? can say that this week bz then last week.... better then last week....
last week sit at home... thinking stupid things......
this week monday go ask about study things... thu also...
today fri my bro come baCK from kampar... tomorrow n sun working...
so better got something do rather sit n everyday fb fb fb n fb... lol
what had u done last week????
i found out that i got 3 friends's birthday on the same day, the most special is i found out that they have same middle name.... haha
3 of them also got TZE.. lol
u know who r u.... no need mention... haha
so wish u happy birthday again... ehhehehe
ps: dont come after me coz writing the TZE... haha lol
still thinking studying things... really fan de... haiz... sometimes feel like no choice to choose better then got... haha.... hope what i choose later i wont regret..... just like next weekend de... i hope i wont regret..... jia you!!!