
mood come back liao... this will thank to yeing.. ^^V

ok continue....

next is jason ang.... my bro... haha
i m his dai lou n he is my sai lou... funny rite...
thank being a such leng zai friend... haha.....

h2 classmate......
thankyou.... we have a lot of happiness, tears, 汗水 together。。。。
the most memorable memory is christmas holic fiesta....
thankyou........ thankyou being my classmate n friends.....

other coursemate....

chempaka's roomate n housemate included cn n steven... haha
happy, cry, pain, suffer, work together, caring......
thankyou.... that was a very very valuable memory in my life to stay wif u all...
miss u all too....

also need to thanks all my friend that i know from m2u....
david, chong.... all la.... too many names le...
also tutor.....
many also... haha.....
m2u really colour up mu life....
mu3,4 n 5....
the moment to prepare to join the competition, being mc.... haha
n also the 'tour to lec hall'... thanks...
help me alot..... thankyou give me such an opprtunity....

really too many to thanks....

thanks to all chefs, seniors, permanent associates at pan pac...
care of us so much...
teach me alot of thing let me learn many that cant be learn elsewhere.....
the knowledge i will keep it....



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    roti aka toastbrot の Tea Time 世界

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