KLIA '1 day trip'....
13 ppl from dht2 h2 go for 1 day trip at klia....
waaaa.... all so free ah....
what so nice o so good about klia???
anythig interesting there???
actually no wo...
but all wake up 4 o 5 prepare....
then meet at kl central about 645 till 700...
our bus start moving on 0700 n reach klia on 0800....
but but.... y all this ppl go KLIA???
somemore wearing formal....
c liao tot we all wanna go work o interview kong jie o kong shao....
no la...
actually we go interview at Pan Pacific Hotel....
our interview start on 1000.... some at 1100...
but reach there at 0800.... so so so early...
today really rang me jian shi dao girl....
i know they know la....
about half hour b4 interview... we all taking pic... haha
start interview
i tot is da jie 1st so i dint have any feeling....
but suddenly called my name....
i 1st???
but 1st mover advantage...
coz my questions are simple...
i m the 1st finish....
i so so bad start eating liao... ahha
about1230 we take bus back kl central....
b4 that all go to c plane...
but no yuan fen....
when in bus all zzz zzz zzz liao lo....
so tired........
END of KLIA 1 day trip..... hehe
pic will b upload by annie in fb.....
waiting....~~~ hehe