noon go drum with formal wear.... then, when reach there only know class cancel.
then go pondok meet them...
about 2 something, go walk around wif 3jie, xiao gui, annie n kah kin...
haha... then back to pondok about 3.... full of swt.......
my shirt all wet.....
4pm... start our english class...
ms tell us will give back our last week test paper to let us c....
so long also no mine de??? scared de....
but 3 jie scared then me...
then my turn....
ms tell me my 1 quite good...
but my "subject" le??
i get 24/30 for my test... hehe
very nervous presentation begin.....
we r 7 o 8 th froup to present....
brain blank liao......
but no nervous la....
then i saw our brochure get 26/40....
bit sad de......
i also saw... if not c wrong la.... my presentation mark is 35/50....
haiz...... also sad........ coz this 35/50 convert liao is 21/30....
then 24+26+21= 71
50 -28=22
still need 22 to pass....
need study liao....
tomorrow hr mid term....